Many common cosmetic concerns are caused by lack of collagen and poor skin cell turnover. Microneedling with PRP is a great option for issues with either the tone or texture of the skin. Patients in Oregon or Washington can turn to Silver Falls Dermatology for safe and effective microneedling with PRP procedures. 

What is Microneedling with PRP?

Microneedling is a procedure which creates micro-channels or micro-injuries in the skin to stimulate the natural healing process and new collagen production. This can be combined with the application of PRP, or platelet-rich plasma. This allows the PRP to reach deeper layers of the skin and improve the overall results. PRP is also beneficial in speeding the recovery process and decrease side effects of microneedling. 

Benefits of Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling with PRP can be beneficial for a number of concerns regarding the skin’s tone or texture. Patients may choose the procedure to address common issues including:

  • Scarring, including acne scars
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Hyperpigmentation 
  • Age spots and sun spots
  • Uneven or rough texture
  • Enlarged pores

Candidates for Microneedling with PRP

Most candidates with concerns about their skin’s tone or texture are good candidates for microneedling with PRP. However, the treatment is not recommended for those who are pregnant, take Accutane, have active acne, suffer from skin conditions such as eczema or rosacea or are prone to poor wound healing or scarring. 

The Microneedling with PRP Procedure

Prior to your PRP microneedling procedure, your provider will thoroughly cleanse your skin and apply a topical numbing agent to maintain your comfort throughout the treatment. Microneedling is then completed using a small handheld tool. This process can typically be completed in about 30 minutes. PRP is then prepared by drawing a syringe of blood and processing it in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets within the plasma. This PRP will then be applied topically and gently massaged into the skin. As needed, your provider may then apply topical products to relieve any irritation following the procedure. 

After Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling with PRP does not require downtime, but side effects including bruising, redness or swelling are common. Your provider can give you instructions regarding covering these visible side effects with makeup if you choose. Typically, side effects resolve within about four to six days after the procedure. 

As your skin heals, it is important to avoid direct sun exposure or exercise. Use SPF as instructed and follow your provider’s advice regarding cleansing and moisturizing the skin. Most patients will be fully healed within about a week of the procedure. 

Multiple treatment sessions are typically necessary to achieve goal results. During a consultation, your provider can explain an appropriate treatment plan. 

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about PRP microneedling and find out whether it is a suitable treatment option for you, schedule a consultation at Silver Falls Dermatology. Call your local office to set up an appointment. If you have general questions, you may also contact us online.

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